Every brand has a story – we specialize in telling it.

Authenticity and a shared purpose form the basis for our consumer campaigns. Working closely with our clients, we derive insights, evolve brand stories, promote core narratives, turn consumers into advocates and facilitate profitable engagement with our audiences.


Jennifer Meehan, National Practice Lead, Brand

Jennifer is a seasoned consumer marketing strategist with over 23 years of experience on both the client and agency side of consumer marketing across a variety of sectors. With a bona fide passion for consumer brand development, she is relentless in her pursuit of insight driven strategies and is adept at translating them into highly effective communications. Clients value Jennifer’s strong grounding in the fundamentals of brand marketing and campaign development and appreciate her ability to truly understand the challenges of the client world.

A highly regarded communicator, Jennifer has led a number of award winning teams and has been recognized by IABC, CPRS as well as Sabre for the delivery of successful consumer marketing strategies.