Advil #AfterMyShot


Brand Awareness

En mars 2020, un seul tweet mal avisé au sujet de l’utilisation de l’ibuprofène en contexte de COVID-19 a fait chuter la confiance à l’égard de la marque Advil et sa part de marché, malgré sa tentative de participer à la conversation post-vaccin. Notre défi a été de rebâtir le capital de marque d’Advil, la confiance à son égard et sa part de marché en suscitant une association positive entre cet analgésique et les soins consécutifs au vaccin contre la COVID-19. Nous savions que les Canadiens et les Canadiennes souhaitaient recevoir le vaccin, mais qu’ils s’inquiétaient de ses effets secondaires potentiels. Et nous savions que notre public cible avait toujours cru qu’Advil était un partenaire de confiance pour soulager la douleur. Notre recherche démontrait clairement qu’il fallait rappeler aux Canadiens et aux Canadiennes leur confiance à l’égard d’Advil.

Nous devions changer la façon de penser des consommateurs pour leur faire oublier les problèmes liés à la pandémie et songer plutôt aux possibilités qui s’offraient à eux après le vaccin, en profitant de leur désir de « revenir à la normale ». Comme la marque jouissait déjà d’une solide notoriété, nous avons élaboré une stratégie pour renforcer cette notoriété en misant principalement sur le recours à l’analgésique – plus souvent, pour plus de types de douleur.


Our insight was grounded in Advil’s brand positioning: to reclaim life’s possibilities – but in lockdown, “life’s possibilities” were feeling like a distant memory. Canadians had faced more than a year of lockdowns, social isolation, variant strains and all the fear and anxiety that came with it. After going so long without seeing one another, without celebrating, and without feeling the zest of all that life has to offer, Canadians were looking for a way back.


Few professions felt this pain point more acutely than people whose livelihood (and passion) depended on being together with a crowd of people – like musicians, drag queens and comedians – all eager to get back to the stage. Advil’s #AfterMyShot Sessions gave live performers the mic to talk about why a pain-free post-vaccine experience has helped empower their plans to take the stage once again.


We developed an integrated digital, social and earned media campaign to reach Canadians who were eligible to receive their first and second vaccinations and would be at risk of side effects, including headache, fever, and pain at the injection site. Armed with research about the channels they use and the people they are influenced by, we grounded our campaign and materials in the production of five exclusive #AfterMyShot sessions with Canadian entertainers, celebrating what they were looking forward to most about getting back in front of a live audience, giving fans a taste of what is to come after their shot.


This campaign helped to change the trajectory of sales volume and share for Advil as part of the brand’s overall pandemic recovery strategy. Advil has experienced consistent month on month brand sales growth ahead of target as well as share improvement despite additional ongoing COVID-19 related supply challenges, while also surpassing pre-pandemic run rates. #AfterMyShot re-connected Canadians with the pain relief product as demonstrated by the accelerated recovery, indicating the campaign’s ability to foster top of mind consideration for Advil vs. competitors.


Earned media impressions


Pieces of coverage


Social impressions

across English and French audience combined.


CPRS National Awards 2022

Healthcare Campaign of the Year

GOLD: Edelman - Advil’s #AfterMyShot

CPRS ACE Awards 2022

Healthcare Campaign of the Year

SILVER: Haleon, Advil’s #AfterMyShot

IABC OVATION Awards 2022

Marketing, Advertising & Brand Communication

Award of Merit